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Waunakee Area Education Foundation, Inc.The Waunakee Area Educational Foundation is a non-profit corporation whose primary Mission is to "...raise funds, make grants and engage in project and programs for the benefit of the schools and students of the Waunakee Community School District." The Foundation serves as a bridge between our schools and the community.

Incorporated in 1988, the Foundation is supported by generous gifts from individuals, groups, or businesses. Grants from the Foundation are limited primarily to funding the needs of the schools, students and teachers to implement proposals that show promise of enriching the educational opportunities throughout the district. Grant proposals are considered for all levels of study from pre-school to adult "community education".  

The Foundation has a special interest in creative pilot projects, model programs and experimental efforts which ultimately can be perpetuated through other funding sources and which actively involve students, teachers, administrators, and, as appropriate, parent-teacher organizations. Selective support may be provided to meritorious extra-curricular projects if funding from other sources is unavailable.

Waunakee Area Education Foundation