The Alternative Education Department at Waunakee Community School District
Patrick Collins | WCHS Teacher |
Corey King | WCHS Teacher |
Scott Krause | WCHS Teacher |
Chris Raschick | WCHS Special Education Teacher |
Christy Sheppleman | WCHS Social Worker |
Alternative Education Programs at WCSD
EmpowerEd. Academy
Course Expectations
EmpowerEd. Academy Contract and Expectations
EmpowerEd. Academy Contract and Expectations
The EmpowerEd. Academy provides a safe place for students seeking an alternative path to a diploma where they can make connections and improve confidence in order to increase their opportunities for success in the world beyond the classroom.
The EmpowerEd. Academy meets for a minimum of three hours daily. The morning session will be academics from 8:30 -11:50 AM; the afternoon portion of the program is from 12 -3:00 PM and will be a time for students to either go to work, take 3rd or 4th hour electives, volunteer, attend therapy sessions, participate in enrichment activities, or make progress on missing work. Students will be required to provide evidence of completing a total of 15 hours of time per week in the afternoon portion.
Work/Volunteer/Electives/Therapy/Enrichment/Make Up Time:
You will be expected to have a job or volunteer during your time in the EmpowerEd. Academy. If you do not have a job, you are expected to volunteer, take electives in the HS, participate in enrichment activities, or attend in the afternoon to make up for missing work or class time. You can also get time credit for attending therapy outside of school. You are required to invest 15 hours per week in any combination of these categories. Teachers will communicate with employers as to work updates.
Participation and Attendance:
There is a clear connection between attendance and academic achievement; thus, attendance is mandatory. You are still a student at Waunakee Community High School and must abide by the same attendance standards (see Waunakee Community School Board Policy 430). This includes being in class on time and staying for the entire class period, as well as providing a Doctor’s note for medical absences. A failure to do so may result in truancy. For seniors, 90% attendance is required to participate in the high school graduation ceremony. Your graduation will be determined by scoring a minimum of 70% on EACH Competency Unit.
During the program, students will work towards successfully achieving mastery in the 12 focus areas as well as the 5 Year Long Projects (See Competency Academics list). Progress will be measured using the Planning Reflection Rubric and communicated to the team on a quarterly basis. Basic writing is an integral part of the program and growth is expected. Below you will find the EmpowerEd. Academy Expectations for the school year.
Students are expected to eat at home. If they want to get lunch at the high school, they must walk over to the school and bring it back given it would be part of their scheduled break time. All EmpowerEd. Academy students can get lunch from 11:50-12:30.
Progress Report Checklist:
Every 6 weeks students will meet with their assistant principal, social worker, counselor, and teachers to discuss progress and expectations. This is a nice way to check in, gauge progress, and discuss ways we can better support student needs.
Behavior Guidelines:
*Please read and follow the student guidelines mentioned in the Waunakee High School Student Handbook. We expect you to be respectful to your peers in the classroom. Since we will be going out in the community frequently, there will be a greater expectation of good behavior. Since the people we meet may be future employers, we want to set a good example while we interact with them.
Program Entrance Checklist- Student MUST COMPLETE before entrance into the EmpowerEd. Academy:
Reading Inventory
Meeting with TLC Staff, Counselor and Associate Principal
Non-Negotiables (Things that may get you removed from the program):
Excused or unexcused absences that fall below 90% attendance.
Failure to actively progress towards completion of the program requirements. This includes not participating in group activities, not completing the assigned competencies, not participating in volunteer/mentoring work, not participating in SEL activities (without prior approval from staff).
Chronic inappropriate behavior and language.
Being disrespectful to people and property.
Substance use: including tobacco, alcohol, or other drug use on school premises, as well as coming to school under the influence of drugs or alcohol. School premises also include any field trips we take.
Student Removal from the EmpowerEd. Academy:
If a student is removed from the program, they may be placed back into the HS or into the GEDO2 Program.
If a student brings drugs or alcohol to school, the student will be expelled.
Entrance Requirements
2024-2025 EmpowerEd. Admission Steps
**Students will only be admitted at the beginning of the Semester (September and January)**
At end of the first or third quarter, a student can be referred as a candidate for the EmpowerEd. Program
Attendance: Students must be able to commit to 90% attendance once enrolled in the EmPowerEd. Program
Informational Meeting with Student and Parents/Guardians
Review Contract and Expectations-
Removal Procedures
Attendance Procedures
Work Completion Expectations
Phone Policy: Students will not use phones during discussion and work time. Phone breaks will be built into the day
Schedule: Academics 8:30-11:50. Work/Life Experiences/Additional Academic Supports 12:00-3:00
Complete Reading Inventory
MANDATORY Parent/Guardian and Student Entrance Meeting with Alt Ed Staff
Student is placed in the EmpowerEd. Program at the beginning of the next semester
Year 1: Year Long Projects-
Year 2: Year Long Projects-
Year Long Projects-
*The EmpowerEd. Program uses a 3-year rotating course plan.
GEDOII Program
Alternative Education Resources
There are a number of scholarship opportunities for students at Waunakee Community High School. If you would like more information about possible scholarship opportunities, schedule a meeting with your counselor or click HERE to see the Waunakee High School Scholarship website.
Student Financial Assistance
The Waunakee Community School District is committed to ensuring that all students and families can participate in their school communities regardless of a family’s financial situation and ability to pay. Scholarships or payment plans are available to any student who has been approved for the free/reduced meal program, and may be available to any student whose families have a financial need due to unique circumstances.
Please contact Teri Reible at 608-849-2000 to learn more about these opportunities. If you need assistance in a language other than English, please call the district interpreter and translator at 608-849-2000 option 2.
Click HERE to see the Waunakee Student Financial Assistance website.
In This Section
The High School Teaching and Learning Center (TLC)
is located at 101 School Drive, Waunakee, WI 53597.
(608) 849-2168